Tune In
Follow the final conference live online on our Youtube channel this Thursday (20.01.22) at 10-16CET.
Tune in for a content filled day on linguistically sensitive teaching in all classrooms.
No registration needed.
10.00-10.10: Welcome by Moderator Yvonne Backholm, Listiac Project Manager Siv Björklund and Dean Fritjof Sahlström, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University
10.10-10.30: Presentation of the Listiac Project by Project Manager Siv Björklund
10.30: Challenges and practices for teacher education: pupils’ home language and identity while learning the language of schooling by Professor Nathalie Auger (Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University, France)
10.55: Language Sensitive Teaching in teacher education in a monolingual policy context by Professor Piet van Avermaet (Ghent University, Belgium)
11.15: Voices of linguistically diverse (future) teachers: The process of co-producing a documentary film by Associate Professor Emilee Moore (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
11.40: Linguistic Landscapes as a pedagogical tool for initial teacher education by Professor Durk Gorter (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
12.05: Whose multilingualism is it? Dominant language constellations as identifiers of languages in initial teacher education by Professor Siv Björklund (Åbo Akademi University, Finland)
Lunch break. Please, take a look at the Listiac videos on the project’s YouTube channel.
13.15: Linguistically sensitive teaching, participatory action research and change by Júlia Llompart (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
13.35: Listiac tool kit for reflection tasks by Sven Sierens (Ghent University)
14.05: Key findings and implications for teacher education by Mari Bergroth (Åbo Akademi University)
Break. Please, take a look at the Listiac videos on the project’s YouTube channel.
14.45: Normalizing Linguistically Sensitive Teaching: Reflections on the LISTIAC Project by Professor Emeritus Jim Cummins (University of Toronto, Canada)
15.05: EU Policy Context by Policy Officer Oana Felecan (European Commission)
Concluding remarks by Listiac Project Manager Siv Björklund (Åbo Akademi University) and Moderator Yvonne Backholm
Invited Speakers

Professor Nathalie Auger
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Nathalie Auger is a full professor of linguistics and didactic at the University of Montpellier (France). She is a member of LHUMAIN research centre (Language learning, HUmanities, mediations, interactions). She works on teaching and learning languages at school and developing various research projects promoting plurilingual and intercultural education in France and in Europe. She is the author of a dozen of books on these topics and been active for example in Majority language in multilingual settings, Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based teaching. A training kit, Maledive (Majority language and diversity), and ROMtels.

Professor Piet van Avermaet
Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Piet Van Avermaet is a Professor in ‘Language and Diversity’ in the Linguistics Department of Ghent University, Belgium, where he teaches ‘multicultural studies’, ‘multilingualism in education, ‘language, diversity and globalisation’ and ‘language policy’. He is also Head of the Research Centre for Diversity & Learning (CDL) at the same University. He is series co-editor (with Kathleen Heugh and Christopher Stroud) of the book series ‘Multilingualisms and Diversities in Education’, Bloomsbury. His expertise and research interests cover topics related to multilingualism in education, social inequality and equity in education, language policy and practice in education, language policy and practice in contexts of (social) inclusion, language assessment, diversity and inclusion, integration and participation, discrimination in education.

Professor Siv Björklund
Åbo Akademi, Finland
Siv Björklund is a Professor of Swedish immersion and multilingualism at the Åbo Akademi University and the Listiac Project Manager. Her research encompasses Swedish as a second language, bilingual and multilingual learning, content and language integrated learning, minority studies, the relation between multilingualism and identity in immersion programmes, pedagogical practices for language-diverse classes, and development of participatory writing among students with Swedish as a first or second language in different classroom settings.

Professor Emeritus Jim Cummins
University of Toronto, Canada
Jim Cummins is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on literacy development in educational contexts characterized by linguistic diversity. In numerous articles and books, he has explored the nature of language proficiency and its relationship to literacy development with particular emphasis on the intersections of societal power relations, teacher-student identity negotiation, and literacy attainment in multilingual classrooms.

Professor Durk Gorter
Universidad del País Vasco, the Basque Country
Durk Gorter is an Ikerbasque research professor at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. He is the principal investigator of the Donostia Research group on Education And Multilingualism (DREAM). Among his recent publications are Pedagogical Translanguaging (2021, Cambridge U.P.; co-edited with Jasone Cenoz) and a special issue of System (2020) on Pedagogical translanguaging: navigating between languages at school and at the university. He carries out research on European minority languages, multilingual education, and linguistic landscapes. He has taught a course on comparing European minority languages in the Master in Multilingualism and Education. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Language, Culture and Curriculum. The International Association of Multilingualism gave him the award of Distinguished Scholar of Multilingualism.

Policy Officer Oana Felecan
European Commission
Oana Felecan is a Policy Officer in Erasmus+ Programme team for School education, Vocational education and training, and Adult learning sectors. She is the European coordinator of European Language Label and has been working in particular on the language learning within the Erasmus+ programme. Oana graduated from the University Paris IX Dauphine (France) and the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (Romania).

Associate Professor Emilee Moore
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Catalonia
Emilee Moore is a Serra Húnter Associate Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She is interested in language practices in multilingual and multicultural educational contexts from a perspective that integrates linguistic ethnography, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology, creative inquiry, and sociocultural learning theories. She helps develop primary and secondary school teachers who are prepared to educate children and youth in contexts of linguistic diversity. She is also a member of the GREIP Research Centre at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and co-convened the AILA Research Network on Creative Inquiry in Applied Linguistics from 2018-2021.

Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg
Experience Lab / Åbo Akademi University
About the Conference and the Project
A warm welcome to the Closing Seminar of the Erasmus+ Project Listiac (Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in All Classrooms). The Listiac Project is co-funded by the European Union.
The Listiac Closing Seminar is free and will be live-streamed on the Listiac YouTube channel on Thursday 20 January 2022 at 10.00-16.00 CET. The live stream will comprise presentations of the Listiac Project (at 10.10-10.30) and other current research topics in relation to Linguistically Sensitive Teaching and initial teacher education in Europe by five of the local leaders within Listiac (at 10.30-12.30 CET). The Listiac Research Team will present the key finding and other outcomes of the project in the afternoon (at 13.15-14.30 CET). There will also be talks by two distinguished speakers, Professor Emeritus Jim Cummins (University of Toronto) and Policy Officer Oana Felecan (European Commission) commenting on the Listiac project.
The programme of the Closing Seminar will be updated (latest update 18.1.2022). If you wish to read more about the Listiac Project, please visit
If you have any questions about the Listiac Project or the Closing Seminar, please contact the Project Coordinator at sanna.pakarinen [at], or the Project Manager at siv.bjorklund [at]