Slovenia is represented by two partners in the Listiac Project – the University of Ljubljana with the Faculty of Education and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Each member of the team is bringing something unique to the common vision – that all students in EU need linguistically sensitive and responsive teachers.
Karmen Pižorn, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Education and Professor of English Language Methodology, is valued for her expertise and rich teaching experience. Karmen has grown up in a bilingual environment, which has led to her passionate interest and aptitude for languages. Recently, she has been very active in the field of plurilingualism as the head coordinator of the national project Languages Matter. This project sets the foundations for a school policy of acceptance of all languages, enabling students to develop a curiosity and appreciation for the linguistic otherness instead of feelings of fear and rejection.
Bronka Straus, advisor and secretary in the Department of Educational Development and Quality at the Ministry, specializes in the area of language education and research. As the Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz (also a partner of Listiac) she’s bringing valuable international insight to the table.

Borut Čampelj, also secretary in the Department of Educational Development and Quality, has extensive experience with projects at a national and European level. He is focusing on the development of ICT in education, which adds an extra edge to the stated goal.
Tjaša Dražnik, a newly joined researcher, is a teacher of English and French. She has studied and taught abroad for many years and is aware of the growing need for a project such as Listiac in schools. Tjaša is combining her writing and marketing skills to present Listiac to the public in an engaging and meaningful way.
The Slovenian team is not only hard working and knowledgeable, but will also be hosting the next partner meeting (focusing on fieldwork training) in central Ljubljana in mid-December.