The LISTIAC Project develops and experiments a theoretically informed reflection tool aimed at making (future) teachers more linguistically sensitive in their beliefs, attitudes and actions.

All students in the EU need teachers who are linguistically sensitive and responsive. Despite the existing research and the amount of tools developed for individual teachers, it remains difficult to change monolingually framed policies and practices in schools. The LISTiac project (Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in All Classrooms) intends to realise the desired change in teacher cognition, the education and professional development of teachers.

LISTiac aims to assure all students in Europe equal conditions to achieve educational success and well being by mainstreaming multilingual pedagogies through reimagining initial teacher education curriculum and in service training for teachers. The project aims to bring forth an educational change on multiple levels and targets primarily pre service and in service teachers by developing and experimenting a theoretically informed reflection tool aimed at making (future) teachers linguistically more sensitive in their beliefs, attitudes and actions in mainstream classrooms.

The envisaged impact is gained through a model for renewed initial teacher education curriculum for supportive and empowering multilingual pedagogies, a pedagogical reflection tool for supportive and empowering multilingual pedagogies within the whole school community and an open access research report and language sensitive teaching recommendations for policy makers, teacher trainers and pedagogical counsellors.

The active participation in this project is in itself an important first step on the road to create opportunities for teacher educators to evaluate their existing beliefs and change them from (parallel) monolingual ideologies to a language sensitive teaching with the ideology of positive view on pupil’s multilingual resources.

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